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时间:2024-01-04   访问量:23

   Title: When Did Picture Books Enter China?




   Picture books, a form of literature primarily aimed at children, have gained widespread popularity in China over the years. As a visual storytelling medium, these books integrate text with vibrant illustrations, captivating young readers and encouraging early literacy skills. In this article, we will explore the history of picture books in China and delve into the timeline of their introduction into the country.


   Early Beginnings:

   Picture books have a long history globally, dating back to ancient times. However, their introduction into China can be traced back to the late 19th century. During this period, China experienced significant societal changes, which included increased exposure to Western ideas and influence. It was during this time that picture books gradually found their way into the country.


   Late 19th to Early 20th Century:

   In the late 19th century, as China opened its doors to the world, Western missionaries brought along picture books as a means to teach Chinese children English and introduce Christian teachings. These books were often filled with colorful illustrations and simple narratives, captivating the imagination of young readers. They focused on various subjects, including morality, animals, and Bible stories.


   1949-1978: Picture Books within a New Political Era:

   Following the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the country went through a period of political and social transformations. During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), many forms of literature, including picture books, were discouraged or even banned due to their perceived Western influence. This led to a decline in the availability and production of picture books in China.


   1979-Onwards: A Boom in Picture Book Publishing:

   With the opening-up policy introduced in 1978, there was a resurgence of interest in literature, including picture books, in the years that followed. Publishers started acknowledging the importance of picture books in aiding literacy development and improving children's cognitive skills. The demand for picture books grew, both from parents seeking educational materials and from children themselves.


   In recent decades, the picture book publishing industry has witnessed an exponential growth in China. Local authors and illustrators emerged, contributing their unique perspectives, styles, and cultural elements to picture books. Chinese picture books began reflecting homegrown stories, characters, and themes, allowing children to connect with their own cultural background while enjoying captivating narratives.



   Picture books have become an integral part of children's literature in China, contributing to early literacy development and fostering a love for reading. From their modest beginnings during the late 19th century to their flourishing state in the present day, the journey of picture books in China has undergone significant changes, reflecting the country's societal, political, and cultural shifts. By embracing this captivating medium, China continues to cultivate a vibrant picture book culture for young readers to explore and enjoy.


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